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How to fix “Kaspersky Not Working Issue” in Windows 10?

Antivirus programs facilitate optimum security so that your system can function without any complication. There is a long list of antivirus programs that has been introduced so far. Out of which, Kaspersky Antivirus solution is one such example that protects your system from malware and other infections online. It works with the stability of real time protection and detects various threats within a short period of time. But sometimes, it too becomes a matter of concern when starts generating complicated issues affront you. Correct them instantly by just coming in contact with the tech supporters at Kaspersky Customer Care Number UK and get instant help.

What you see that sometimes, your Kaspersky Antivirus solution doesn’t work in Windows 10. There might be different reasons when it stops to work on your system. You can fix this issue within in a short period of time. If you are looking for the right steps for the same, follow the below given steps:   
·       Proceed to the antivirus solution and try to repair the installation.
·       Go to the Control panel and click on the program and uninstall program.
·       Then just click on the Kaspersky but must ensure that you haven’t uninstall the antivirus product.
·       Thereafter select repair from the menu and click on the Installer.
·       And then you have to see if your system on which the antivirus product is working on, has started working or not.

When you are still getting any issue like this, connect to the antivirus technical support team just after that.

Thereafter check when you update antivirus program in your system it will not generate any problem as such. And when, you still face any error while updating it in Windows 10, then just check the setting of system. If you are facing any issue that kaspersky antivirus not updating in your windows 10 then you need to check the setting of system. In order to accomplish it successfully, follow the steps given below:
·       Make sure you have uninstalled the previous version of your antivirus solution.
·       And then download the latest version of the product.
·       Click on the newly installed version and it will get activated automatically.

Hope, your Kaspersky product has started working much efficiently now. If the issue still goes on, go and contact the tech representative available at Kaspersky Help Number UK. They will take care of the issue and suggest instant solutions to you. 



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